
Shaft Technologies

Turkey's Leading Shaft Manufacturer

Powerful Solutions in Automation Applications

To carry our company to the highest level in Turkey and the world market with our understanding of quality service in line with the wishes and needs of our customers.

As Üstün Gear and Spare Parts, we always provide all kinds of machining solutions with machinery spare parts, heavy industry spare parts, building-construction metal fasteners, hardware fastening equipment manufacturing, CNC milling and CNC lathes. We continue in accordance with innovative and quality standards.




Mechanical Solutions in Automation Applications

As a company open to development, with our reliability and quality in the Turkish market, as Üstün Gear and Spare Parts; In 2019, we started the production of air shafts with our new brand identity, ROTA SHAFT, in order to contribute to the Plastics and Packaging industry and close the gap in our 400 square meter production area in Bayrampaşa, Istanbul.